
June 3, 2024

Do you know what your skills are?  Your parents probably taught you a lot of skills when you were a kid.  Maybe you have gone to school to learn a skillset required for the career you desire. Or you may have even been taught a new specific skill at work.  Skills are an important and necessary tool in life.  You need to know how to cook so you can eat, you need to know how to drive to get your license. In today’s culture, there is a lot of emphasis put on the skills we have and the skills we should go out and acquire.

But this viewpoint has a huge gap.  Yes skills are needed, but they can be taught.  What is even more important than a skillset is a person’s character.  Are you someone of integrity?  Do you follow through on the things you say you are going to do?  Do you have empathy for other people and treat all people with kindness?  Are you the same person at home and at work?

Stop for a minute and actually think deeply about these questions.  I know that logically everyone believes that being a person of high character is the right thing to do.  And most people at first glance probably believe they are a person of high character.  But stop and really reflect on these questions and take an inventory of your character.  Think about your actions, not your intentions.

No matter what you think about your character currently, there is always room to grow!  So what are you doing to work on your character?  I would encourage you to get around people with good character.  Their way of thinking and acting will rub off on you.  Listen to podcasts and read books about personal growth rather than just personal achievement.  Accomplishing things in life while destroying your character is not worth it.

Lastly, I would encourage you to think about how you want to be remembered one day.  Do you want to be remembered for what you accomplished or who you were?

“When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.” – Billy Graham

Alexandra Perez – Chief Leadership Advocate – The Leader Co. Inc.

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