About Us
The Leader Co. was created with you in mind.
Your self-development journey, your hunger for knowledge, and your motivation to make a difference in the lives of yourself and the people around you.
It’s a win win when the leader leads well.
Our Story:
The Leader Co. began in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with a passion to spread the word that leadership matters and we should all strive to lead well.
Who We Are:
We are not just a leadership company, we are a leadership community. We advocate for leading well in the workplace, in the home, and in all areas of life.
Our Vision:
To develop everyone’s leadership potential.
Our Mission: We create valuable leadership content to inspire, equip, and train people. We provide innovative events, resources, and coaching to help people strive for excellence.
Value Statement: At The Leader Co. we value the importance of vertical alignment. Starting with your spiritual root, then personal development, family unit, and ending with impacting others.
Our Values: