
August 12, 2024

People sometimes feel like they need to be the one. They must have control and all the authority. If they have people, the people must serve them and do what they say. To me that’s not leading that’s a boss on a power trip.  

The best leaders understand that they have the privilege to serve their people. They don’t believe in the power of one but of the team. Like John Maxwell says “one is too small of a number to achieve greatness”. 

If we are going to lead others we are going to need to learn the power of delegation.

Maybe some of you are thinking yes I can delegate a whole lot of tasks and I will get more done! 

Though multiplying yourself through task delegation can be helpful, it only creates followers and not leaders.

Great leaders create more leaders not more followers. So you need to delegate responsibility, authority and decision making if you want to multiply yourself in an effective way.

Learning to delegate responsibility will empower your people. It will show that you trust them and expand their capacity. It will allow them to get creative and problem solve. 

It’s incredible how your team will surprise you when you empower them. 

Remember they may not complete a task like you would, but that’s ok. They might fail in the process but that’s ok because it’s a learning opportunity. They actually may do it better than you and that is great because we want to surround ourselves with people who are smarter than us.

As leaders lets bring vision, lets unify on core values and mission and lets get creative on the solutions. 

Let’s serve, let’s mentor and create space for others to lead. 

Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.

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