What do you do when you don’t feel like it? What do you do when you just don’t have the energy? Where do you reignite the fire? I think there are many things you can do, but one thing I do know that works is go where the energy is. Feed off the energy of those that are in the fight and alive. The thing about energy is that it transfers and it’s contagious.
Have you ever stepped into an arena of a professional sports team? Especially if it’s a championship match, the home crowd electrifies the building! The energy in those buildings is something special and hard to share with others. You need to be present to feel the vibe.
I have had the opportunity to attend an NHL playoff game and I tell you I came alive. A week ago, as I was traveling for some board work and attending a conference, I found myself at an MLS game. A major league soccer game in Cincinnati. It was a first for me, but being in a stadium with 25, 000 plus fans got me into the mood regardless of what kind of day I had. People were singing, dancing, and cheering what a game. I’m not from Cincinnati and don’t keep up with the team, but when in Rome do as the romans do!
The sport arena is only one example. For those of you in business go to business conferences and catch the fire. Leaders attend events that are motivational and inspirational. Get around people that are like minded and are excited about life. If the energy is not coming to you, then you need to go to where the energy is. I would go as far as saying get around champions so you can learn to identify the winner’s energy.
There are a lot of things that play a part in making you your best and most successful, but don’t underestimate the power of great environments. Be wise though and stay away from negative circles and protect yourself from negative energy. Now step out, identify the positive energy and use it to propel you forward and keep you going.
Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.