Have you ever met a self-made millionaire or a self-made man? The dictionary says self-made is used to describe people who have become successful and rich through their own efforts, especially if they started life without money, education, or high social status.
By definition all of us have heard of a self made person, we have read about them or we might even know someone. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand why our culture has thrown this phrase around and what they have intended by it. From a young age we have had this inner desire to do it ourselves with no need for help. We get pride in knowing and telling others we accomplished something without help.
At the surface this might seem like something good and something to be admired, until we go in deeper and understand this phrase at the root. Unfortunately we have been misled to believe that self made anything is possible and true.
I have bad and good news for you. You are not self-made. I am not self made either. Bad news because its about to change the way you think and because its not a common way to think. Good news because it will change the way you think and there is credit to be given to so many people and things that have happened to you in your life.
Personally I can’t think of something I have done in my life or in the past year or month that was 100% me.
I am who I am today because of
- The people who have spoken into my life. Coaches, mentors, teachers, friends, family and even strangers who have imparted wisdom on me.
- The books I have read. When you read a book do you realize someone spent hours and hours gathering thoughts, research and the experience to execute a book. When I read, all that gets passed on to me.
- Life lessons and opportunities. There have been opportunities that have become available and I had nothing to do with it. Yes, I stepped through the door but someone else opened it or set the door in front of me.
- Prayers. This one has rocked my world; to realize that where I am in life is largely due to others prayers for me. Whether you consider yourself spiritual or not there is someone out there praying for you. Someone is praying for your safety, your health, success, your path and direction. To take it one step further you have been instilled with a God given potential.
So this is what I propose, you are not a self made man or women. You are the sum of people that have come before you. Their experience, thoughts, work, prayers, and contributions have made you who you are today!
An example would be I may start my own business and become a millionaire. “Self-made” since it appeared to be by my own efforts. Truth be told the knowledge I had was read in a book written by someone else, the computer I used was designed and built by someone else, the phone I relied on was engineered by someone else etc etc. Nothing self-made here but instead the contribution of so many.
Let’s be grateful that everything doesn’t just depend on us because then we may not be where we are today. Let’s take what has been passed on to us and create new opportunities for the next generation to come!
Walter Perez – CEO/Founder, The Leader Co. Inc.