Increase Your Influence

June 17, 2024

At The Leader Co, one way we strive to empower people is by helping them increase their influence.

We created an event called the I Connect Party to do just that, Increase Your Influence.

Our philosophy on influence is not one-sided though, we are not interested in putting the leader on a pedestal and creating leaders that are selfish.

When we speak of increasing influence we see it as the leader getting elevated through the value they add. It’s always about the people we lead and not about us.

If you attend an I Connect Party this is how you will become a leader that adds value.

  1. We bring you world-class leaders. You can’t give what you don’t have so you need to invest in yourself. Are you growing? Are you learning? Committing to developing yourself personally, professionally, and spiritually? One way to do that is by learning from those who have wisdom, experience, and proven track records.
  2. Learning from local leaders. Those who are creating an impact in our community and who are presently in the fight.
  3. Connecting with others. This is not about meeting others so you can see what they can do for you, but about meeting others to see what you can do for them.  It’s about making real connections with the intention of how can I help others.

Increasing your influence is about getting better so you can add value to others.  It’s about adding value to yourself so you then have value to add to others.  The whole reason to increase your influence is so you can make an impact in the lives of others.

Who will you impact?

Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.

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