Leading To Win Win

June 5, 2023

Do you ever have moments where you wonder if leading is worth it? Maybe the challenges seem too much. You look around, it seems like no one is following or you just feel so drained and discouraged. Maybe you feel like your impact is really not doing much impacting.

Let me step out and say that leadership is always worth it, but it’s not about just simply leading. Its about leading well when you’re doing it. As leaders we are not just trying to get a task done, bark around orders and tell people what to do. You might have the title, but do you have the people? You might be educated, but do you have the people skills? You might be able to get a project done, but do you realize the long-term impact you are passing on to people?

I see too many leaders trying to lead by the seat of their pants and not intentionally committing to grow themselves so they can lead not only well, but to the best of their ability. Leading is just as much about who is leading as it is about who they are leading.

That’s why around The Leader Co. we believe it’s a win, win when the leader leads well.

It’s not one directional, its two way or even better yet, it’s a cycle. When the leader leads well, people are lead well. People feel equipped, motivated, inspired, valued, and empowered to reach their potential. In return they do their best work, collaborate, become creative, serve well, and elevate what they do. All this comes right back to the leader and the overall mission of the team and/or company.

Remember, leading is about people first and everything else follows. Leading well goes beyond what we do today, but ripples beyond ourselves, beyond those close to us, and can reach generations.

The call to lead should not be taken lightly. Embrace the challenge, add value and I truly believe we can change lives. Put others first and there is no way it will not be a win, win. You might see it immediately, or down the road and you never know how far the impact may go. Choose to be a leader that leads well. It’s worth it!

Grow as you go!

Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.

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