Have you taken inventory of your leadership lately? More specifically have you taken notes on how you initiate your leadership? Do you lead with the positive or do you lead with the negative?
I would encourage you to pause for a moment and really think about that. This is the thing, leadership can be done positively and negatively, good and bad, mediocre and well. So how do you want to lead and what are you doing about it?
As leaders we can easily get into the mindset of fixing, correcting, commanding, and controlling. Doing whatever it takes no matter what. This “no matter what” attitude can blind us of our approach and how we treat people.
Someone once said as leaders we are not here to manage people but develop them. If we are to develop people, how we treat them will matter every time.
So, when we practice treating people well, there are some tendencies we need to be aware of. For example, we tend to only relate and seek common denominators rather than elevate people up. We live in a culture where negativity is so dominant that we must put extra effort on positivity.
My challenge for you is to lead with the positive. Yes, be aware of what your people are going through, relate to them, seek to understand, have a heart for them and connect with them. But, be an optimist, hope giver, solution seeker and encourage them to find gratitude in the present.
Allow your people to come as they are, but not stay as they are. The leader that leads with the positive, brings the best out of their people. We meet them where they are and help them solution seek, not justify where they are.
One of the joys of leadership is adding value to people so they can tap into their potential and accomplish things they never knew they could.
Leading positively is part of leading well.
Grow as you go!
Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.