Have you ever met that one person where it doesn’t matter what you say, they are always negative?
You share dreams with them, and they have a PHD in pointing out everything wrong with your dreams.
They give you every reason under the sun why it’s not going to work. Doesn’t it feel like they suck the life and hope right out of you?
Can I give you a piece of advice? Stay away from those type of people! This is the thing, not all the time, but majority of the time people like that are bitter, angry, hurting and want to bring people down with them. You have heard the saying “hurting people hurt people.” Sometimes people’s low self image, failure, lack of a dream in their lives and unwillingness to stretch and pursue causes them to bring people down to their level.
It’s important to identify those people in our lives because we don’t want to give them any mental real estate in our minds. This is what I’m not saying though. I’m not saying go hate on people or be mean to them. I’m saying limit your time with people who don’t support your dream and are not going in the same direction as you.
In the life of a leader it’s important to protect the dream. Remember what John Maxwell says, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” This means that leaders need to step forward even when there is a bit of push back. It’s important to protect the dream. Your dream may be the one that will impact the world!
So, how do we protect the dream? Here are some thoughts to get you thinking.
- Protect the dream by owning it. If you want others to follow you and support, you make sure you believe in it like no one else. Make sure you have done a reality check, and the dreams fits within your strengths, giftings and talents.
- Protect the dream by surrounding yourself with people that fan the flame. Association matters. Bring people around you that add to the dream rather than take away from it.
- Protect the dream by pursuing it. Put action into it and bring it to life.
Great things have been accomplished because of dreamers, movements have transformed the world, innovations have been born, and great leaders have been born from a dream.
Protect the dream. All it might take is for you to impact one person who goes on and multiplies that impact around the world. At the very least you can leave this world knowing you maximized your potential!
Grow as you go!
Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.