In my early 20’s I used to be a DJ and I came to appreciate all types of music and genres. Every so often though there would be a song or two that would get stuck in my head and be on replay. Depending on the soundtrack though I could relive some of the party’s I enjoyed.
All of this got me thinking of something I read. Research tells us we have 60 000 thoughts a day. That translated to how much self talk we do daily. The question I have for you is how much of that is positive and how much of it is negative? What kind of soundtracks are you playing? What soundtrack do you have on replay?
One of the attributes that will help any leader lead well is the discipline of self awareness and that’s why I ask you these questions. Understanding or at least having some idea of where your soundtrack is coming from will be a game changer for you.
So, think on these points:
- Do you speak well of yourself? When you are having 60 000 thoughts a day, how many of those are kind thoughts of yourself? I’m not sure why, but it always seems so much easier to entertain the negative over the positive. We swim in our own filth and get full of shame and guilt from our failures. We are also quick to judge others by their actions but will always judge ourselves by our intentions. Don’t stay stuck in your mind and lose the battle up there. Speak truth to yourself and don’t find your identity in your past.
- Who are you letting speak into your life? Who are you letting live rent free in your mind? There is no shortage of opinions, ideas and perspectives flying around. We really need to live with intentionality and with boundaries. Make sure that the people you allow in are in line with your values and understand the direction you are heading in. Build an inner circle that is tight and life giving so it doesn’t leave room for just anyone.
The soundtrack you allow to play in your mind matters. You have a choice who you let in. You have control over what your self talk looks like. Invest in yourself and pursue things that are life giving, positive, full of hope and a future.
Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.