The Person In The Mirror

February 27, 2023

If there is something I am passionate about, it is communicating to you that you are a leader! Who? You are!

The challenge is that there are good leaders and bad leaders. Which is why the other thing I’m passionate about is helping you understand the importance of being a good leader. It starts with you.

Leadership has to start with the person in the mirror and that person is a leader. It’s not a question of whether you are a leader or not, but rather are you willing to develop the leader in you.

One of the best ways to describe leadership is the phrase leading by example. Ask the person in the mirror, “Would you follow yourself? Are you willing to do what you expect from others? Are you willing to do what you call others to do? Or what are you learning that you can pass on to others?”

If you don’t like what you see in the mirror or the answers to those questions are no, let me say this, you can change.  I suggest you start taking an inventory of your thoughts and habits. If there is one thing I know, it is that what comes in, comes out.  Guess what? You have control over that.

Here are 3 pointers to help you lead the person in the mirror.

  1. Be intentional. Choose to lead well. Choose to be a difference maker. Be a dreamer, envision it. Set your goals and make it happen.
  2. Be investing.  Bet on yourself and invest in yourself. Growth and change do not happen by accident. It’s done on purpose! The return on your investment will be the person you become on the other side of your potential.
  3. Be influential. Add value. Build people up. You have influence therefore you are a leader. Influence can be good or bad so choose good.

Remember you cannot give what you do not have. So, tell yourself, if its going to be it starts with me.

I’ll leave you with a quote that is credited to Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Grow as you go!

Walter Perez – Founder/CEO – The Leader Co. Inc.

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