Ep. #024 – Ingredients For Success
June 11, 2024
A secret to success that I have learned is that we don't have to re-create the wheel. Sometimes we just have to go down proven paths that have worked. I think that if we look hard enough there are ingredients, roadmaps, game plans, and blueprints that already exist to help us get to where we want to go. But one thing I'm a huge advocate of is finding people that line up with your values and actually have what you want. Check out this solo episode as I unpack three ingredients that I think will get you started and help you on your journey. We will talk about the importance of having a mentor, someone who has gone before us, the importance of listening, growing, and being a lifelong learner, and finally, actually doing something about it and putting it into action.
If you like the cake don't change the ingredients.